Hygiene Health & Wellness

We help you stay in control of your oral health

Our dental team will keep your mouth clean and healthy so you feel confident about your oral health.


Get a professional dental expert on your side.

When it comes to oral health, a good daily habit of brushing and flossing is your first line of defense against tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health problems that can cost you a lot of pain and money down the road. But regular brushing and flossing alone can’t take care of tartar or other unseen issues.

Adding preventive, professional cleanings to your oral health regimen can make a huge long-term difference. Our dental hygienists have the training, expertise, and good old fashioned friendliness so you have a great experience while they deep clean your teeth. On top of that, we’ll perform a thorough examination of your teeth, tongue, and gums so we catch any small issues before they become big, expensive problems.

Book an appointment with us today!


Hygiene Services

Digital X-rays

Every year, we take digital X-rays to ensure you have healthy smile. 

Deep Cleaning

Your hygienist will clean your smile to leave you feeling fresh.

Doctor Check-In

Dr. Phil & Dr. Courtney will check-in on you to address any questions or concerns. 

Home Care Kit

Your hygienist will send you off with personal tips and a goodie bag.

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