Nashville Restorative Dentistry

Get Your Smile Back

Restorative Dentistry addresses the issues that make eating and smiling difficult. Dental pain, tooth loss, and traumatic injury are some of the reasons that Restorative Dentistry might be right for you. These problems, if ignored, can lead to other major health issues and symptoms including headaches, infections, additional tooth loss, heart disease, and more.



After tooth decay, also known as a cavity, has been properly removed, a filling is placed inside the tooth to prevent the build-up of additional bacteria and new decay. Fillings can be made of an amalgam (metal alloy), porcelain or tooth-colored composite resin.

Dental Implants

Implants are a solution for missing teeth. When space is created by a missing tooth, it allows surrounding teeth to move, which may lead to further tooth loss. An implant is affixed to the jaw bone to mimic a tooth and tooth root, keeping the surrounding teeth in line, and restoring function.

Dentures & Partials

Dentures and partials are artificial structures that replace some teeth (partials) or all teeth (dentures), which are custom-designed to properly mold to the unique shape of your mouth. Dentures and partials restore function for talking and eating.


Dental bridges a more permanent solution to partials. The artificial structure is attached to two crowns, which are placed over the existing teeth adjacent to several missing teeth. The existing teeth are augmented for proper placement of the crowns and mimic the look of a full row of teeth.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy is a process used to remove decayed dental pulp (also known as the root). Once the decay is removed and cleaned, the remaining healthy root is left to support the tooth. A crown is then placed to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth.


Unlike veneers, crowns cover the entire tooth and is a required step after any root canal procedure. Crowns can now be color-matched to the shade of your other natural teeth!

How do I get started?

Every patient is different. To ensure you are the best candidate, you’ll want to schedule a consultation for our team to exam your mouth. From there, we’ll be able to provide you with your treatment options, talk about payment and how soon you will benefit from results.


Do you have concerns about cost?

We never want payment to hold anyone back from receiving the care they need for a healthy and happy smile. We aim to make it easy with several financial plans and guidance from our Financial Coordinator.

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