Orthodontics Nashville

Want a straighter smile? The answer is clear.

Straightening your teeth has now become more convenient and discreet than ever, thanks to clear aligners. After taking scans or molds of your current teeth alignment, a series of clear aligners will be created to quickly and effectively move your teeth for a straighter smile. These aligners should be worn at all times but can be removed for eating and brushing.


Orthodontics Nashville

What is Invisalign®?

Straightening your teeth has now become more convenient and discreet than ever, thanks to clear aligners. After taking scans or molds of your current teeth alignment, a series of clear aligners will be created to quickly and effectively move your teeth for a straighter smile. These aligners should be worn at all times but can be removed for eating and brushing.

Is Invisalign® right for you?

If you don’t want to sacrifice eating your favorite foods, stay active in all your favorite sports and activities, and brush and floss like you normally do without wires or brackets in the way, then Invisalign is right for you

You’ll be ready for any occasion, as Invisalign is virtually invisible, so no one will even know you are wearing them! 

If you want to learn more about how to get a straighter smile without the hassle of metal braces, call our office today to schedule a consultation!

Key Benefits

Virtually Invisible

Easily removable for eating, drinking, cleaning, and flossing

Eliminates emergencies with broken wires

Each aligner is trimmed to your gum line for optimal comfort and appearance

How do I get started?

Every patient is different. To ensure you are the best candidate, you’ll want to schedule a consultation for our team to exam your mouth. From there, we’ll be able to provide you with your treatment options, talk about payment and how soon you will benefit from results.


Do you have concerns about cost?

We never want payment to hold anyone back from receiving the care they need for a healthy and happy smile. We aim to make it easy with several financial plans and guidance from our Financial Coordinator.

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